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Viejo globo


As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country. Proverbs 25:25


God has called us to make disciples of all nations. More and more Latinos are realizing this call and are being launched out to the ends of the earth, to places that do not have the gospel! We desire to raise up, equip and launch out those very Latinos who feel the call to missions, locally, nationally and to the ends of earth.


According to the International Bulletin of Mission Research, by the year 2050 it is estimated that the majority christian population, approximately 80%, will be found in the global south (south of the equator) with high concentrations of those christians in Asia, Africa and Latin America. This marks a huge shift in global Christianity.


We are seeing the explosion of Christianity within Latin America. Latinos are experiencing the transforming power of a personal relationship with Christ like never before, not only this but more and more Latinos are desiring to take the gospel to places outside of their local communities. This means there exists a huge opportunity to disciple and empower Latinos to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. 


Our ministry of Mobilization exists for that very reason. 

Mobilization is defined as: the act or process of marshaling, organizing, or preparing something for action. A common military term. 


Our desire is to see a new generation of Latinos equipped, cared for and sent to accomplish the purpose God is calling them to.




Oaxaca, México

Junike Llunay Breña y Teresa Ortega and their little one Samuel. Originally from the state of Oaxaca, God has called this couple to pastor and shepard churches in the mountainous region of Oaxaca. They are a young family that has been called into ministry by God’s grace and are very content serving in their isolated, lush, mountainous region. This region of Mexico is known for having many indigenous groups and more than 6+ languages spoken in the area. Junike and his family are pastoring families who speak Mazateco and their ultimate hope is that more and more of these people who come to know the saving grace of God!




North Africa


Cesar and Paty are from Southern Mexico serving as missionaries in the North of Africa, for almost 14 years they were located in a highly muslim location  and currently now have 1 year in another muslim country. With plans to settle down in the southern part of this location, they have plans to develop a project by providing prosthetic legs to bless those most in need and share the good news with them. Pray for them as they discern where and how to develop their project, pray for deep relationships with the lost so they may share the good news of Christ. 





We are Caleb and Gabby. Since we got married in 2019 in Mexico, God gave us the desire to go to the country of Romania to serve Him one day. God moved our heart towardsthis nation through the country's tragic history and the difficulties many orphans experienced in the past. Little by little, we continued to pray for this big step and now we are currently serving in Romania.

We are be working together with Pastors and local leaders to plant Hope Church and disciple those who are hungry for God in the city of Craiova. You can learn about the church at 

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We believe God is raising up a wave of missionaries from the Spanish-speaking World. He is calling them to go to unreached places, places that do not have access to the Gospel.


Together, with dozens of local churches throughout Latin America, we are mobilizing passionate, courageous followers of Jesus to fulfill the Great Commission: To Go and Make Disciples in every nation. 

If you are supporting a specific missionary, please comment with their missionary name and alphanumeric identifier from their Prayer letters.

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Central Mexico is home to an area called the "Circle of Silence", a ten state area of more than 40 million people. With an evangelical Christian percentage of only 2%, central Mexico is the least evangelized region in the western hemisphere.


We are partnering with 5 church plants in the region, training pastors, coaching in the planting process and caring for these courageous Mexican missionaries. We plan to add church planters and ministry partners in the region each year.




The Children's Initiative is a focus on developing disciple-making children's ministries. 80% of all conversions happen before the age of 20. We are unleashing the resources of Iglesias del Oeste to train and equip children so that as they grow and mature they are prepared to mobilize to the nations, expanding the Gospel, locally, nationally and to the World.


Iglesias del Oeste Children's initiative will partner with children's ministries across the Spanish-speaking World. We hope to train hundreds of ministry leaders in making disciples that will be the next generation of World-changers.

Interest form:


Be a part of sending latinos to where God has called them whether through prayer, finances or both! Have a question about how to do this or the projects we are working with? Please send us a note

Thank you for your message!


Seminario del Oeste

Mailing Address: 

PMB 126, PO Box 189003,

Coronado, CA 92178


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