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Meet The Team




Jim and Annie Culp are the directors of Iglesias del Oeste and its family of ministries. Jim has a master's degree and a doctorate in pastoral ministry. Annie has a Bachelor of Arts in Literature, is a graduate of Seminario del Oeste, and has her group fitness certification in both the United States and Mexico. Jim leads Seminario del Oeste, a leadership development program in 12 countries, and the Iglesias del Oeste family of ministries. Annie is the founder of Body and Soul, a women's fitness and faith ministry. They have been married for more than 30 years and have three adult children: Daniel, married to Danielle, Benjamin, married to Sara and Kate, married to Jorge. They have one grandson, James and another on the way. They have lived in Mexico since 2016 after serving as pastors for 20 years in the United States.




Luis and Miriam Ruiz, directors of the local network of churches of Iglesias del Oeste and serve on the executive team of Iglesias del Oeste. Residents of Ensenada, B.C., they are married with a son, Ezequiel. Both are graduates in Communication Sciences and graduates of Seminario del Oeste with a diploma of Tecnico Superior in Biblical leadership, and a master's degree in Seminario del Oeste.  They have served in the area of teaching and worship, as well as organizing and managing projects in various ministries.




Amador and Yadira Álvarez are pastors and directors of the Seminario del Oeste, San Quintín campus. Amador studied at Theological Seminary and Yadira has a Bachelors in Law. Both are graduates of Seminario del Oeste, have Diplomas in Biblical Interpretation and Expository Preaching and also they have a master's degree in Seminario del Oeste. They are founders and pastors of the Dios de Gloria Ministry. They have been married for 25 years, and they have three children: Abraham (24) Christopher (22) and Michelle (20); and they have two grandchildren, Alessandro (6) and Sebastián (18 months). They received the gospel in 2000 and were called to be pastors almost six years ago.



Arturo & Heather Molina joined Iglesias del Oeste in 2022 as directors of the network of churches in San Quintin. Arturo felt called to ministry while completing his studies as an agricultural engineer. Heather felt called to move from Canada, and they met working together for a non-profit in San Quintin. They were married in 2015 and began to serve the community together full-time. Over the next several years they developed a heart for the local pastors and have a passion to see them encouraged and equipped. Arturo & Heather are both currently students in Seminario del Oeste, working towards graduating with a Masters Degree in Biblical Leadership. Arturo & Heather serve with their children, Iker (12), Titan (8), Luna (5) and Max (1).

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Sheila María Pérez Edreira was born on July 20, 2000, she is 23 years old and she is newly married. She met the Lord at 14 years of age, she is a youth leader of Iglesia Fuente de Vida in Cuba in Pedro Betancourt, Secretary of the Seminario del Oeste in the region of Cuba, graduated from high school at Seminario del Oeste and continues studying his master's degree.



Felipe Miguel and Paola have been married for 3 years, they met at the Bible Institute “Cristo por su Mundo” when they were students. They decided that their marriage would serve the Lord, since then it has been a great adventure when they decided to stay in Baja California to serve.

They have the beautiful opportunity to serve in the Foundation For His Ministry FFHM, Cristo por su Mundo, Ensenada, B.C.; as house parents, they have 10 teenagers under their care from 12 to 18 years old; and also they serve in the church “Ministerio Dios de Gloria” in the community of "Las Aves" as pastors.

They are also collaborating in Seminario del Oeste, as teachers wishing to continue growing in the ministry and in their marriage for the glory and honor of our Lord Jesus Christ.



Juan and Elizabeth Huerta are teachers at Seminario del Oeste por Extension.

They are pastors in a church located in a community of Ensenada called José López Portillo and they have a beautiful 11-year-old girl.



Sergio and Mary De La Mora, founders of Team Kairos ministry, a ministry partner of the family of ministries of Iglesias del Oeste. They have been serving in ministry for over fifteen years, with a passion and focus on biblical counseling, and spiritual, relational and emotional healing. They are graduates of Seminario del Oeste with a diploma of Tecnico Superior in Biblical Leadership.  They have been married for 9 years, have 9 children and five grandchildren.

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Vanessa is married with Andrés, they have been married for 3 years, they have a beautiful one year old baby

named Isaías and they live in Ensenada, B.C.

Vanessa is a graphic designer, she keeps Iglesias del Oeste running smoothly in her role as administrative assistant and she handles the details of our finances and both administrative and design needs.



Ben and Sara Culp are recent newlyweds and excited to serve God wherever He calls. Their call is to share the good news of Jesus Christ and show His love through acts of service. Whether that is in the United States, Mexico or to the ends of the earth, they are ready. God has given them the opportunity to serve alongside a Pastor and his family in the Dominican Republic in 2023. It is a country that has a great need to hear, know and experience Jesus. Help them by partnering with prayer, specifically that they would be guided by the Holy Spirit in this mission and that they would develop a deeper love for Christ!




Marveli is a Peruvian missionary that has joined our Iglesias del Oeste team.  Marveli has been the Reflejo Peru director for almost three years.  The team has worked with children from different communities, sharing the gospel, and providing educational programs for them.  She started a ministry called Rapha (the God who heals).  Marveli is a licensed therapist who is called to provide a program to help and support at-risk teens through emotional and spiritual care.  She is also part of the Mobilization ministry providing care for missionaries and focuses on empowering women towards missions.



Emmanuel and Camelia since 2010 have served together in El Salvador, Argentina and Mexico. They serve as Iglesias del Oeste missionaries in Iglesias Minesterio Dios de Gloria in San Quintín Baja California. They are dedicated to building the church through teaching and discipleship from adults to children.
Emmanuel and Came work with Iglesias del Oeste to promote church health by helping local churches advance their vision, improve their ministries, and develop high capacity teams. They believe that healthy churches transform communities.


Seminario del Oeste

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PMB 126, PO Box 189003,

Coronado, CA 92178


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